Review: Surf Stronger – The Surfer’s Workout

For many years the only exercise in which I partook, besides surfing of course, involved excessive use of my trusty right arm. And many bottles of beer.

The problem is that once you hit the later twenties (and beyond) you realise that a bit more is required to keep you in top surfing shape.

So after experiencing the above realisation I started frequenting the local gym and actually joined a fit ball class (uses large swiss balls), which I thoroughly enjoyed. Not only was the class full of nice looking specimens of the female type, but it also provided an all-over workout that included loads of ball exercises (no, not those balls) for strengthening the core muscle groups and improving balance. I enjoyed the class for about a year but the problem comes in summertime when the evenings are light and you’d way rather be at the beach or at home than in a steamy gym.

Lucky for me I heard about Surf Stronger – The Surfer’s Workout on DVD, something that sounded right up my alley.

Straight off, the DVD looked great: nice design and relaxing rolling wave opening sequences that get you into the right mindset. All you need is a fitness ball (already a big fan!), some dumbbells and a DVD Player to get started. So I jumped right in.

The DVD features a very useful warm-up section. Don’t hit the main workout (or the water) without doing it. In some ways these warm-ups are my favourite bit of the DVD as I think it’s really important to prepare physically and psychologically for any exercise. Whilst I am often frothing at the prospect of getting out there, those extra few minutes of preparation can go a long way towards ensuring you’re flexible, warm and psyched enough to perform at your best.

Brad tests it out

The main workout is excellent and is led by your coach, Scott Adams, a professional trainer and lifelong surfer. Along with his team they take you through the workout logically, always demonstrating both exercises for beginners and the more advanced. The exercises are pretty amazing and completely relevant to building surfing strength and flexibility. I like the way Scott always relates the exercise to an aspect of surfing – it really helps you to visualise the benefits and not focus on your burning muscles.

It’s a good idea to have a properly inflated ball, unlike Brad – or is it just taking strain under him?

Winding down with some stretches completes your Surf Stronger workout in a very peaceful and satisfying way. Overall it’s unbelievably so much better than a gym fitness class, even despite the lack of hot girls exercising around me.


Stiff next-day muscles – but no pain no gain, right?

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Visit and get your copy for $29.95Rating
Four stars. Get yourself stronger now!


For many years the only exercise in which I partook, besides surfing of course, involved excessive use of my trusty right arm. And many bottles of beer.

The problem is that once you hit the later twenties (and beyond) you realise that a bit more is required to keep you in top surfing shape.

So after experiencing the above realisation I started frequenting the local gym and actually joined a fit ball class (uses large swiss balls), which I thoroughly enjoyed. Not only was the class full of nice looking specimens of the female type, but it also provided an all-over workout that included loads of ball exercises (no, not those balls) for strengthening the core muscle groups and improving balance. I enjoyed the class for about a year but the problem comes in summertime when the evenings are light and you’d way rather be at the beach or at home than in a steamy gym.

Lucky for me I heard about Surf Stronger – The Surfer’s Workout on DVD, something that sounded right up my alley.

Surf Stronger DVD

Straight off, the DVD looked great: nice design and relaxing rolling wave opening sequences that get you into the right mindset. All you need is a fitness ball (already a big fan!), some dumbbells and a DVD Player to get started. So I jumped right in.

The DVD features a very useful warm-up section. Don’t hit the main workout (or the water) without doing it. In some ways these warm-ups are my favourite bit of the DVD as I think it’s really important to prepare physically and psychologically for any exercise. Whilst I am often frothing at the prospect of getting out there, those extra few minutes of preparation can go a long way towards ensuring you’re flexible, warm and psyched enough to perform at your best.

The main workout is excellent and is led by your coach, Scott Adams, a professional trainer and lifelong surfer. Along with his team they take you through the workout logically, always demonstrating both exercises for beginners and the more advanced. The exercises are pretty amazing and completely relevant to building surfing strength and flexibility. I like the way Scott always relates the exercise to an aspect of surfing – it really helps you to visualise the benefits and not focus on your burning muscles.

It’s a good idea to have a properly inflated ball, unlike Brad – or is it just taking strain under him?

Winding down with some stretches completes your Surf Stronger workout in a very peaceful and satisfying way. Overall it’s unbelievably so much better than a gym fitness class, even despite the lack of hot girls exercising around me.


Stiff next-day muscles – but no pain no gain, right?

Get it now
Visit and get your copy for $16.76

Four stars. Get yourself stronger now!

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