Quiksilver and Kelly

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QS and KS are two brands that will be difficult to separate. Along with CI (Channel Islands), they we the triumvirate that led surfing from the eighties through the momentum generation to the so-called modern collective. And Kelly still goes strong. How many pro surfers have come and gone in that time? Young kids looking up to and competing with The King became old men watching from the sidelines.

His greatest rival, Andy Irons, is now surfing in heaven. And KS continues. But like every great relationship this one, with his key sponsor, has ended, leaving KS free to create something new. Will his signature brand be a luxury version of Quiksilver? Will he sell health products? Kelly has shown that healthy living is worthwhile. He is a living manifestation of it.

What will his brand say? What will it be called? We hope it isn’t formulated in board rooms. We hope it is true to Kelly’s vision, whatever that may be. We can’t wait to find out.

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