Waves and Wildflowers 11.08.2015

Checking the surf after sunrise and the wildflowers on the sand dunes are closed up tight. In the dark hours they keep their precious pollen safe, and replenish themselves, despite the New Zealand winter cold. But come sunrise and the warm hours that follow, they open up, revealing their truth. Come here, bees, see me, see what I have for you.

They open themselves to the world with unbridled passion. This is me. The sun is shining, the bees are my symbiotic friends, they give me wings and enable cross-pollination, so that my genetics may live on. It’s perfect. When it rains, they grow. When the sun shines, they bud and spread their petals.

House flowers are beautiful, but potted plants are at the whim of a human. They need us. They drink when we decide, they get light if we give it to them.

Are you a wildflower, risking everything, or a house plant, waiting to be given your next watering?

The waves today were epic, with ramps unfurling from Omanu to Papamoa and beyond. Goodness only knows what magic rolled in at all the secret spots around the cape. Enjoy the gallery from today. More airs, more barrels, liquid heaven – and wildflowers.

Photos by Bradley Hook and Evgeniya Ignatova

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