Russian Surfer Girls

I feel qualified to talk about Russian surfer girls. I made a baby surfer with one of them, after all.

There’s way more to Russian surfer girls than perfect tans, long legs and pouty selfies on Kuta beach. If you take the time you’ll discover that beneath the preened veneer is a secret depth. They know more about philosophy than you do, and they’re probably better educated too. There’s a warmth there, but you’ll only catch glimpses of it.

This is true of their surfing, too. You’ll see Russian girls in lineups around the world taking beatings that would send most people crawling to shore. But they keep on going. If they want to do something, they learn to do it properly.

And once they’ve mastered a craft, they’re achingly graceful when they do it.

[divider]With love from Russia[/divider]

If you want to know what happens when these surfer girls grow up, check out my Russian surfer mum. Nothing changes. They just get better at surfing.

And if you somehow missed it, here’s the girls surfing in high heels.

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