Interview with Fabi Aguilar

Hey Fabi! How’s your day going?

Hello! Very good 🙂 
We’re still in lockdown here in Melbourne due to the second COVID – 19 wave, but doing quite well because I’m having a lot of free time to draw and for myself, that I usually never have.

Where do you get your inspiration and how do you stay motivated?

I usually get inspiration everywhere!  Lately I’m finding a lot of it in fashion and surf magazines. People’s poses, the clothes they wear, the look, the colours, the picture presets, the way their hair falls over, I don’t know, everything…
The truth is that I don’t find it hard to be motivated because I’m a very passionate person and drawing is pure bliss for me, so I’m motivated pretty much all the time!
If I don’t have a good day, what helps me find the motivation again is sport, dancing salsa and spending quality time with my family, without thinking about anything else.

Do you have any rituals that ease you into the creative zone?

Of course. In order to create my best I have to be physically and emotionally balanced, without worries of any kind.
I like lighting a candle as well as listening to music, which is what really gets me into the creative zone. I listen to literally all styles of music (I have like 300 playlists on spotify, haha).

What’s your morning routine like?

I get up pretty early, between 5-6 a.m every day. The first thing I do is writing,  around 10 minutes, putting on paper all my waking up thoughts and feelings. Those morning hours, when the city is still sleeping, are pure gold for me. The silence and how my brain is awake are a perfect combination to reflect.
Then I meditate for about 15 minutes to connect with myself and start the day calm and focused. To finish my routine before starting to work, the most important thing, coffee!

Do you have any creative people you strongly admire?

Of course! My mother is one of them. Well, to be precise, she is the one that I admire the most. She taught me that everything is possible, that hard work pays off and specially that when you turn your passion into your work is when you find true happiness, which at the end is the real life key to success.
The list of people I admire, both in the arts and in other areas is endless!. They all have one thing in common: their positive attitude, their work commitment and their life lived from a gratitude perspective.

Do you have a mantra or words of wisdom to live by?

Be patient, put in the hours and show up every day. Don’t optimise for fame or money: optimise for a fulfilling lifestyle that you are in charge of.

Thanks, Fabi, how can people connect with you to find out more?

My absolute pleasure! They can connect with me through my website or Instagram. Yes, better inta, is my favourite social media and where I post my day to day.

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