Advocates of Capture – a creative network by REEF

REEF has developed its first global photography, videography and creative advocate network.

Known as the Advocates of Capture, the new program brings together a unique group of creative professionals who, through their photography, cinematography and animation, inspire others to forge new paths and follow their dreams.

Influencers who sign on to the program and get approved will even receive a branded photography case to help them on their content creation journey.

We caught up with two of the advocates – Todd Glaser and Ivana Cook – to ask about their vision for the collaboration.

Interview with Todd Glaser

Hey Todd, we’re excited to see you join REEF’s Advocates of Capture. As an advocate, why is this network important to you?

The Reef Advocate network is important to me because not only is Reef a brand that I’ve worn ever since I was a young kid, I have always admired and appreciate their support for not only their team, but the photographers and creatives whom they’ve worked with over the years. If you look at their surf team you have longtime partners as well as standup humans like Mick Fanning, Rob Machado, and Shane Dorian. Just those three alone besides being incredibly talented at surfing are stand-up guys who push themselves in the water but are also very present in their family lives as well. Reef took a chance with me early on in my career and sent me around the world to document some of their early campaigns and the relationship has grown since then and now it’s come full circle where I feel like I am a part of the family and can continue to capture and create some new exciting images in places we haven’t been before!!

What’s your vision for 2021? Where will you take your followers?

It’s still a bit early in 2021 to say exactly where it’s going, but I’m yearning to create more underwater images. That is my favorite way to make images and capture the beauty of the ocean. My wife and I are based in San Diego and with limited travel happening at the moment the majority of my images will be around California and our home in San Diego, which in a way is exciting as well as a new challenge since I’ll have to look at a familiar area with a fresh perspective. San Diego for so long has always been my place to unplug and almost reset in a way, but with the lack of travel happening, I’ve had to readjust my perspective, shift the thought process a bit and learn to not only capture, but create new work closer to home. I battle social media a bit since I’m more of a private person than one to share every time I drink a cup of coffee, but in reality, using social media tools like Instagram I’m able to connect with friends worldwide as well as find inspiration from others while sharing what I’m up to. Sometimes it’s local shoots, a great meal, a cool trail to hike or a new road we find while on bikes. For the last couple of years, the move into motion has been happening so who knows, maybe there will be a few more longer form edits or shorts in addition to shooting stills. We never really could have guessed or anticipated what was going to happen in 2020, so we’re appreciating each day in 2021 with good health and grateful we can legally go to the beach when we want!

What’s your favorite piece of equipment – if you had nothing else?

My Canon 1DX mark ii with Aquatech Housing and 14mm lens is my go-to. That is the set-up if I didn’t have any other camera gear would be that. I know it’s 3 pieces, but when they work together as one I feel like I’ve captured some of my most intimate and memorable images in the water with that set-up.

Three words to sum up how you’re feeling right now?

Full of Coffee.

Interview with Ivana Cook

Hey Ivana, why is REEF’s Advocates of Capture network important to you?

As an advocate for Reef, I’m super stoked to be a part of this new network! Creating is always fun, but it’s even better with a community of people around the world who can be a part of something together. I look forward to meeting the creatives throughout travelling and seeing what we can make whether its photo or video!

What’s your vision for 2021?

I have no idea where to begin for 2021, but I’m a visionary and a dreamer so the goal is always to make them come to life. I plan to travel a decent amount with the limitations to do so, but to make the most of what we can, so that the people seeing my images can get a sense of vacation and serenity even when the world isn’t right now.

What’s your favorite piece of equipment?

Favorite piece of equipment will always be my camera. Doesn’t really matter what kind if I didn’t have a choice, just something that captures what I want. I learned that it truly doesn’t matter how expensive or new the gear you have is, but the passion and eye behind the camera are what makes it all.

Three words to sum up how you’re feeling right now?

My three words would be…motivated, excited, and grateful.

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