REEF Matches Donations to Surfrider, up to $100k

Giving Tuesday is the opposite of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. It is a day to give back. If you have some cash to spare then this opportunity is for you.

One of our favorite surf brands, REEF, is matching donations dollar for dollar up to $100,000 to the Surfrider Foundation!

The Surfrider Foundation is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s oceans, waves and beaches, for all people, through a powerful activist network. The group fights for plastic reduction, ocean protection, beach access, coastal preservation and clean water.

REEF is proud to be matching donations on Giving Tuesday as this is an extension of REEF’s ongoing and long-term partnership with the Surfrider Foundation along with its continued efforts around ocean conservation.

The brand founded the REEF X Surfrider Better Beach Alliance, which is dedicated to plastic pollution initiatives through beach clean-ups and environmental legislation. All donations made on 30 November with make twice the impact for our ocean and coasts!

Simply visit and hit the big donate button.

Key milestones in the REEF x Surfrider partnership

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