5 Steps to a Safe and Simple Warm Up

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Two days ago, whilst enjoying a Surfbodysoul work & leisure excursion, I stumbled upon a U-shaped beach, no more than 70 metres wide, situated between two dramatic cliffs. These rare precipices extended out into the blue and appeared to funnel every available drop of southern ocean into the small bay. Here a timely patch of sand delivered four foot A-frame wedges for 30 metres in each direction. The water was cold and as I navigated my way around the rocks I noticed a large fur seal sleeping peacefully in the shade. He appeared uninterested in my presence until I returned moments later with a camera. The paparazzi shy seal then displayed his displeasure at my invasion of his personal space by screening a hefty set of yellow fangs, accommodated with an invasive foggy roar. Fearing a charge I returned myself, and my camera, to the beach base camp.

The wind was howling offshore, the water icy, and these two elements combined to ensure my first two waves had zero rhythm. The atmosphere in the water was less chilly than the actual temperature, with three local residents happy to share their aquatic playground with my girlfriend and I. This is New Zealand, land of the long white cloud, and the moods of the ocean and sky are as temperamental as a third world bus service. This favours those who are happy to change plans at any given moment to work with the elements. A thorough Surfbodysoul warm up is also necessary before entering these cold shores to prevent injury blackjack and maximise your sliding pleasure. Below I have provided a pictorial outline of the perfect Yoga sequence to do just this:

1. Start in “Pose of the Child”

Step 1 & 5 Child pose2. Come onto the hands and knees

Step 2 kneeling

3. With your core engaged lower yourself to the floor. Keep the hips gently resting on the mat and lengthen and extend (arch) your lower back

Step 3 extension4. Raise into ‘Downward Facing Dog’

Step 4 Down Dog

5. Come back onto your knees and rest into “Pose of the Child” again. Repeat this cycle at least 5-10 times on the beach before paddling out!

Step 1 & 5 Child pose


For technical instruction on each photo, and a comprehensive surf fitness program, visit this page on Surfbodysoul and pick a program that suits your unique physical requirements. If you have any problems with this contact me at  ryan@surfbodysoul.com for more information.

I look forward to seeing you on the mat, or in the water!